Servers provide practical assistance to the priest at the Eucharist and other services, and they add dignity to a Church service by assisting in the ceremonial.
There are many tasks undertaken by servers. These include carrying the Processional Cross and candles, carrying the Gospel Book, and receiving the Bread and Wine and the collection at the Offertory. They also assist with setting up and clearing away before and after services. Servers work as a team to the greater glory of God.
We have a thriving group of Altar Servers at St Anne’s Parish Church, of all ages and both male and female. The newly confirmed are especially welcomed and encouraged to join the serving team. Servers normally serve once a month on a rota basis. Full training is provided for all individuals before serving for the first time.
If you are interested further information may be obtained from our Head Server, Gerald Wilson, Tel: 01253 730806, email: