Electoral Roll
What is the electoral roll?
It is a list of all baptised adults (over 16) committed to being part of the life of a local Church of England congregation. Only those on the roll may vote at the annual meetings.
Who can be on the roll?
Anybody who lives in the parish, or who has worshipped regularly at St. Annes for at least 6 months.
What commitment is expected?
· Regular worship on Sundays
· Praying for the mission & ministry of the Church
· Giving financially to support the work of the Church
· Giving of your time and energy
· Deepening your fellowship with other members of the Church
How do I join the roll?
Please follow the link below and print off a copy of the form. Completed & signed forms should be given to the Electoral Roll Officer – Gerald Wilson. He can be contacted at gandfwilson404@gmail.com.
Please give careful thought to the significance of being on the Electoral Roll of this parish. In particular, please think and pray about how you can contribute to the life of our Church.